Sumitomo Invests A$5.4 million in Idoba Mining Technology Business
by Paul Moore
Perenti Global Ltd, the owner of contract mining major Barminco and
drill services company Ausdrill, has announced that it has successfully
executed a share sale agreement in relation to a strategic investment by
Sumitomo Corporation in Idoba Pty Ltd, Perenti’s technology informed services
business. The transaction further strengthens Sumitomo’s commitment to the Idoba
business, following the Memorandum of Understanding announced in February 2022.
Idoba is a name that was co-created using human and artificial
intelligence input, which connected the Greek word eidos meaning ‘essence’ and
the Japanese term ‘ba’, meaning knowledge mobilising space. It will provide
digital product and technology service offerings to mining and mining service
clients with revenue and earnings generated from these services.
Under the Agreement, Sumitomo will acquire 10% of the issued shares in Idoba
for a total of A$5.4 million. This implies a current Idoba equity value of A$54
million and enterprise value of A$80 million, Perenti says “reflecting the
unique value proposition of the Idoba ecosystem, and the significant embedded
growth potential within both its consulting services and suite of Software as a
Service (SaaS) products.“
The completion of the transaction is not subject to any unsatisfied
conditions precedent and is expected within 10 business days. The proceeds of
sale will be recycled across the business and in–line with the principles of
Perenti’s Capital Management Policy.
The investment by Sumitomo is expected to bring substantial benefits to
the Idoba business, primarily through the ability to harness Sumitomo’s
expertise and extensive global network. Sumitomo brings a unique set of
opportunities to Idoba, comprising over 893 group companies across 66 countries
and multiple industries to which Idoba’s products and services have relevance.
A key focus of the shareholder agreements between the parties is a
commitment from Sumitomo to provide Idoba access to this network and
opportunity set. This is expected to help Idoba substantially accelerate its
business plan, strengthen access to technology partners and gain access to a
broader global customer base. To facilitate unlocking these substantial
commercial synergies, there will be a dedicated Sumitomo full–time secondee
embedded within Idoba.